Monday, June 8, 2009

Good for laughs

Well: I really haven't had much happen to me over the weekend. My wife and I got feeling sick and are trying to avoid actually getting sick so we really didn't even go out much, We have hopes that we just over-ate or something. Good news is that we are both feeling a bit better now. Anyway, Since not much happened aside from what's been said, I thought I'd share some laughs with you. I wish to hell that I could take credit for this photo, I don't even know where it was taken, but I laughed my butt off and thought y'all would enjoy it as well. Enjoy!



  1. This is one of the best pictures ever. I spent a good five minutes staring at it looking at each of their faces. While the guy barfing is funny, I think the look of terror on the lady next to him is the best.

  2. Two comments:
    1. I keep looking at the girl and thinking: "They were probably on a date. And it was probably the last date they ever went on."
    2. That guy on the upper-left has a seriously demented look on his face. I can't tell whether he's laughing, disgusted, or just retarded. Any way you look at it, though, it's awesome.
