Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today, As I was taking my lunch break, I walked over to the mall food court nearby, On my way there I walked past a good looking woman who was wandering around the parking lot as though she was looking for something she had lost. I went in, bought my Chinese take-out and continued to walk through the same area on my way back to work, This woman then approached me and our conversation went as follows:

Her: Hey, How's it going?
Me: Good, and you?
Her: Good, Do you think I'm Hot?
Me: Sure, You're a pretty woman
(I start to walk towards work again)
Her: Well, The reason I ask is because..
(Now walking beside me)
My friend and I make Porno's online and we were wondering if you'd want to be in one with us?
Me: Uh... Seriously? I'm married, No Thanks.

At this point I sped up my walk to work without looking back and I'm still in disbelief that this happened here... To me... Obviously now I'm back at work and blown away that this even happened... Period.. I'm actually quite grossed out by the thought of it. What the hell is this world coming to?? Seriously, WTF!?


  1. Wow! That is crazy man. Sounds like you reacted in pretty much the best way you could. Wow! "Do you want to be in a porno with me?"

  2. Yep, And No.. I won't make a porno with you either man. LOL
